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Balsa Man – Tiny Participation!

Dec 19 2022

Is it The Man or Balsa Man!?! Tiny bubbles of inspiration are percolating through the Balsa Man community! Already mentioned in my last post was the Temple of Reduced Expectations built by J-Rad and the DTMV (Dept. of Tiny Mutant Vehicles) first registered RC ArtCar by ninavizz. Since just yesterday, there’s been even more news of tiny participation! MissySB is now the Vice President of Ingress Information: i.e., she’s coordinating the effort of making the Balsa Shave 3×5″ entrance signs — I encourage others to make signs as well as more is sometimes more.

Also, while the BalsArtery doesn’t have any official announcements, rumors abound of more inspired mini-artists out there tooling away. Hints of more balsa wood purchases, possible lamplighter posts, and tiny flamular” demonstrations have been rippling through the Balsa Man community! At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if craft stores start running out of balsa wood and glue!*

The best way to experience Balsa Man is to participate. The Balsa Man burns in two days, but that’s more than enough time to create your own mini-masterpiece!

*BTW, if you are looking for balsa wood an other modeling supplies, I highly recommend Franciscan Hobbies, which is where all the lumber for Balsa Man was purchased. The proprietors are really nice and really know their stuff. Also, Pearl Arts & Crafts has a decent amount of modeling supplies and a variety of other art supplies.

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