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Ruminations on Blog Revamp

Dec 19 2022

I’ve been contemplating revamping CatCubed. As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve taken notice of Rubin Starset’s lifestream page and while I still dislike the firehose that is a lifestream, I’ve been thinking that there may be a useful middle ground. While I like my current design I never really cared for the clutter of the right columns. As I read somewhere recently, right sidebars are the junk drawer of websites.

Coincidentally, Daniel Miessler just wrote about this very topic in a post entitled A Better Website Concept: A Lifestream Interface. He makes the distinction that there is a difference between created content verses found content; and he uses the incredibly useful Yahoo Pipes to dump all the found content (google reader,, stumbleupon, digg, reedit, etc.) into a rss feed he calls Discovered. Still he then goes on to dump it in the sidebar like before.

This is a nice division and I might choose to use it myself ‚Äî maybe a tabbed approach? Created, Found, and maybe All of the Above with the only sidebar widget being About and Twitter? We’ll see, though I do have more pressing projects on my plate at the moment so this might have to wait.

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